Major vineyard overhaul in progress since 8 am this morning. Zin, down in front! Syrah, back it up. Reorganization, replanting of some afflicted vines and expansion to make my vines 50/50 Zin-to-Syrah.
And by 3pm, it's off to OC for #CDWC15.
Major vineyard overhaul in progress since 8 am this morning. Zin, down in front! Syrah, back it up. Reorganization, replanting of some afflicted vines and expansion to make my vines 50/50 Zin-to-Syrah.
And by 3pm, it's off to OC for #CDWC15.
I'm mapping out the extension and realignment of Finnegan's Hill Vineyard, to happen once we get some consistent cool weather here in SoCal. Zin to the south! Syrah to the north! And more vines means... more wine!