Major vineyard overhaul in progress since 8 am this morning. Zin, down in front! Syrah, back it up. Reorganization, replanting of some afflicted vines and expansion to make my vines 50/50 Zin-to-Syrah.
And by 3pm, it's off to OC for #CDWC15.
Major vineyard overhaul in progress since 8 am this morning. Zin, down in front! Syrah, back it up. Reorganization, replanting of some afflicted vines and expansion to make my vines 50/50 Zin-to-Syrah.
And by 3pm, it's off to OC for #CDWC15.
Do you want to get your copy of Sotto Voce signed? Or would you like a buy a copy and get it signed, or even just stop by and say hello?
I'll be signing at the Romance Writers of America California Dreamin' Writers Conference this Sunday. More than 70 authors will be signing their books from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Embassy Suites hotel in Brea. The signing is open to the public and you don't need to be registered for the conference to attend.
So feel free to drop by, get your book signed, and talk a little wine!