I was surprised and honored that Sotto Voce received a Foreword Review's IndieFab Book of the Year Awards at the recent American Library Association convention in San Francisco.
Goodness, what do I say, other than "thank you"? How about this? I'll borrow from my tumblr post, which really should have originated here to begin with:
The award consists of a sticker and a certificate, a little mangled in transit, and I couldn’t be happier with both.
I’m even more honored that three novels from a tiny publisher that’s not even a year old scored five finalist nods in two categories at last week’s Foreword Reviews IndieFab Awards. Pulling double duty as author and publisher, that tally is something special. I got a chance to hang out at the IP booth at last weekend’s American Library Association convention in San Francisco, and I discovered that this young, small publishing house is developing a good reputation for itself, and that librarians—bless ‘em—enthusiastically embrace diverse books, and want more of them. We were happy to give them away, all weekend, and I’m happy to know that Sotto Voce has new homes in libraries across the country.