Snuggle into those pajamas, pour yourself a night cap and join us to celebrate the global launch of IP’s first books all day (and all night) July 22nd with our 24-Hour Launch Party!
Starting at midnight Eastern time, we will host chats with IP authors on our Google+ channel every two hours. We’ll also reveal the Fall 2014 releases and cover art, as well as a sneak peek into 2015. And every session will include giveaways and raffles for IP and fandom swag, items for readers and writers and lots of IP books.
GRAND PRIZE: One year of IP multi-format eBooks!
No purchase necessary. Panel participation subject to change.
Panels and Air Times ET/PT
Midnight/9pm (Live):
Welcome to IP – IP Staff
2am/11pm (Live):
Bleeding Heart/Platonic/Forever Man — Melissa Graves (missbeizy), Kate Paddington (doonarose) and AJ DeWall (iconicklaine).
Pivot & Slip / Designs on You — Lilah Suzanne (alilactree) and Carrie Pack (randomactsofdouchebaggery)
6am/3am (Live):
Fan fiction, fan culture and fans-gone-pro — Mila McWarren (wordplaying), Jan da Costa (januarium) and Laura Stone (stoney321) .
8am/5am (Live):
Summer Love Anthology Contest – IP Staff
10am/7am (Live):
Two IP Firsts: Consent Imprint & Episodic Fiction – IP Staff, Moriah Gemel (lurkdusoleil)
Noon/9am (Live):
2014 Fall Book Reveals – Lynn Charles (dontbefanci), Erin Finnegan (girliesportsjunkie) and Laura Stone (stoney321)
2pm/11am (Live):
2015 Title Reveals – K.E. Belledonne (knittywriter), Kate Fierro (anxioussquirrel), Mimsy Hale (borogroves) and Lilah Suzanne (alilactree)
4pm/1pm (Live):
From Fic to Novel: Featuring 2015 authors, including Charlotte Ashe (chazzam), Mila McWarren (wordplaying), Lissa Reed (glitterdammerung) and Zane Riley (zavocado).
Writing Original Novels: Featuring 2015 authors, including Jan da Costa (januarium), Kate Fierro (anxioussquirrel), Courtney Lux (andercas), Jude Sierra (judearaya) and Mina Sloan (spinmybowtie), plus 2014 author Lynn Charles (dontbefanci).
8pm/5pm (Live):
Under the Covers: IP Art and New Cover Reveals – IP Art Director Becky Shepherd (buckeyegrrldesigns) and IP Staff
10pm/7pm (Live):
What’s Next? Where We’re Headed and Raffle Winners Announced – IP Staff
Want to win some prizes? Got a question you’d like answered on the broadcast? Submit a question that gets answered on air and you’ll qualify for prizes and IP swag.
Submit them LIVE on Google Hangouts On Air, or send them in advance to We’ll also be monitoring the #IP24 Twitter tag for questions.
I’ll be giving away a copy of my book…stay tuned for details!